What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to correct shape deformities in the nose and reshape it. Nasal aesthetics not only aims to achieve a visually pleasing appearance but also improves the functionality of the nose. This way, patients can have a more attractive appearance while also being able to breathe more easily.

Who Can Have Rhinoplasty?

People who are 18 years old or older and have no contraindications for anesthesia can undergo rhinoplasty. Anyone with aesthetic or functional complaints can opt for this surgery.

Planning for Rhinoplasty Surgery

The nose is one of the most prominent organs on the face, located right in the center. A nose that is incompatible with the shape and proportions of the face can highlight other flaws and asymmetries. Therefore, personalized planning is very important in rhinoplasty. During the examination, the external structure and internal issues of the nose are identified, and the patient is informed. Then, photos of the face from different angles are taken, and using Photoshop, a predicted post-surgery nose shape is presented to the patient. This design is revised according to the patient’s wishes, and a joint decision is made.

Does Rhinoplasty Solve Breathing Problems?

Rhinoplasty not only addresses aesthetic issues but also aims to resolve functional problems. For example, deviations in the septum (curvature of the nasal cartilage) and hypertrophy of the turbinates (growth of the nasal tissues) are corrected during surgery. This results in both aesthetic and functional improvement.

Pre-Surgery Preparations

Before the surgery, blood tests and necessary examinations are performed. Anesthesia specialists evaluate the patient’s suitability for anesthesia. Also, patients with chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, asthma, or hypertension must receive approval from their doctors and continue taking their medications regularly.

Precautions Before Surgery

  • Individuals with chronic diseases must take their medications regularly.
  • There should be no active infections (such as cold or flu).
  • Factors that suppress the immune system (excessive fatigue, drugs, alcohol) should be avoided.
  • Medications like aspirin, blood-thinning drugs, herbal supplements, and green tea should not be used before or after surgery.
  • Individuals who might be pregnant should avoid surgery.
  • No food or drink should be consumed for at least 8 hours before surgery.

Use of Tampons During Surgery

Old-style gauze or silicone tampons are not used in modern surgeries. If the nose is intervened surgically, silicone splints, which are air-passing and do not damage the tissues, are placed inside the nose. If there was no intervention inside the nose, no tampon is used.

Recovery Process After Rhinoplasty

After the surgery, patients stay in the hospital for one night and are discharged the next day. In cases where the nasal bone is intervened, bruising under the eyes can occur for 7-10 days. Sensitive surgical techniques are used to minimize bruising. Within 7 days after surgery, the plastic cast, silicone splints, and stitches on the nose are removed. In the following stages, the bandages on the nose remain for one more week.

Post-Surgery Care

  • Ice treatment is applied to the area under the eyes.
  • Keeping the head elevated above heart level accelerates the healing process.
  • Soft foods should be consumed in the initial days, and normal diet can be resumed after.
  • A high-protein diet accelerates recovery.

Use of Glasses After Surgery

It is recommended that individuals who wear glasses use contact lenses instead. If no surgical intervention was made on the nasal bone, glasses can be used after one month. If the bone was operated on, glasses should be avoided for two months.

Sensitive Period After Rhinoplasty

The sensitive period after the surgery lasts for 6 months. During this time, the nose should not be exposed to trauma. Severe trauma may distort the nose’s shape, and an additional surgery may be needed. Also, during the first two months, the nose should not be pulled down during cleaning.

When Can Rhinoplasty Be Performed?

Rhinoplasty can be performed in all seasons. However, during sunny months, if bruising occurs, care should be taken to protect the nose from the sun.

Post-Surgery Follow-Ups

Follow-up visits are usually done at 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 6 months, and 1 year. These intervals may vary depending on the patient’s healing process.

Revision Rhinoplasty (Secondary Rhinoplasty)

For patients who have previously undergone rhinoplasty but did not achieve their aesthetic or functional expectations, revision rhinoplasty is performed. This procedure may be completed quickly or may involve a more complex process. Our goal is to meet the patient’s visual expectations and address any functional issues that were unresolved in previous surgeries. The recovery period depends on the type of procedure performed.


Rhinoplasty is an important surgery both aesthetically and functionally, and it should be performed by a professional surgeon. Post-surgery care is essential, and attention should be paid throughout the recovery period.