Ear Aesthetic Surgery: The Surgical Process and Important Considerations

Ear aesthetic surgery, also known as otoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting prominent ears and other ear deformities. Since the ears are located on both sides of the face and directly affect the aesthetic appearance, ear aesthetics are quite important. Prominent ears can negatively affect a person’s psychological and social life. In this article, you can find everything you need to know about ear aesthetic surgery.

What is a Prominent Ear?

A prominent ear is a condition where the angle between the ear and the head is wider than normal. This causes the ear to be more prominent and visible than usual. A prominent ear is generally considered an aesthetic issue and not a physical illness. However, large ears and deformities can negatively impact a person’s quality of life. In childhood, this condition can lead to teasing among schoolmates, lack of self-confidence, anxiety, and even depression.

Causes of Prominent Ears

The primary cause of prominent ears is the abnormal anatomical structure of the ear. The cartilage structure of the ear is larger than normal, and the ear canal protrudes forward. The natural folds of the ear are underdeveloped. This condition makes the ears more prominent and larger in appearance. Prominent ears are usually hereditary and may run in families.

How is Ear Aesthetic Surgery Performed?

Ear aesthetic surgery is performed through small incisions made behind the ear to remove excess tissue. In this procedure, the ear is folded back to achieve a more aesthetic appearance. Ear surgery is typically recommended for children around the ages of 5-6. Performing the surgery at an early age helps prevent potential psychological and social issues that children may face during their school years. In adults, the procedure can be done with local anesthesia.

Ear Aesthetic Surgery Process

Ear aesthetic surgery is typically a one-hour procedure. After the surgery, the ears are wrapped and a protective bandage is applied. The bandages are removed after 2-4 days, and a tape that covers the ears while sleeping is recommended for 6-8 weeks. There is usually no pain after the surgery, and healing occurs quickly. Swelling in the ears may occur in the first few days, but this is usually a temporary condition.

Post-Surgery Considerations

Here are some important considerations after ear aesthetic surgery:

  1. Dressing for the First 2 Days: A dressing with cotton gauze is applied to protect the skin behind the ear.
  2. Care During Showering: Avoid applying pressure to the back of the ear in the first few days.
  3. Night Tape Usage: After the bandages are removed, it is recommended to use tape at night to maintain the shape of the ears.
  4. Stitch Care: Stitches are usually removed within a week, and the ear area is cleaned carefully.

Cost of Ear Aesthetic Surgery

The cost of ear aesthetic surgery varies depending on factors such as the materials used, the surgeon’s experience, and the clinic’s standards. Another factor that affects the price is the level of service and aesthetic results provided by the clinic. It is recommended to get detailed information from the doctor or clinic beforehand.

Risks of Ear Aesthetic Surgery

Ear aesthetic surgery is generally considered a low-risk procedure. The most common complications after surgery are hematoma formation and infections. These conditions can be quickly resolved with appropriate treatment methods. In the long term, asymmetry in the ears may develop, but this can also be corrected through additional surgery.

Results and Benefits of Ear Aesthetic Surgery

Ear aesthetic surgery helps to address aesthetic concerns, providing psychological relief for the individual. Performing the procedure at an early age boosts children’s self-confidence and helps them adapt more easily to their social environment. Additionally, it prevents teasing and self-confidence issues. The results of the surgery are typically permanent, assisting individuals in leading a more comfortable and confident life.